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My Massage Practice

I immigrated to the United States in 1987, driven by my desire to move beyond my history of surviving to a future of thriving.  In the beginning, survival remained the goal, as the boy from the tropics figured out how to trudge through snow to his job waiting tables in American versions of Chinese restaurants.  I worked to make enough money to support myself here, and help my still struggling family back in Malaysia, dreaming all the while of what it would be like to live a more vivid life.  

I had never really thought much about massage, much less ever had one, when an out of town visitor asked me to help her find a local therapist.  Her stories about the wonders of massage began to stir feelings in me, not so much about getting a massage, but about giving them.  Even as I had slowly come to integrate the traditions and customs of my adopted country, and to move from alien to citizen, I remained Chinese at heart.   I recalled stories of the blind Chinese masseurs back in Malaysia, and had always known that massage has been part of Chinese culture for centuries.  I felt called to become a massage therapist, and soon began the journey that finally led me to my goal.  

I received my initial training at the Potomac Massage Therapy Institute in Washington, DC, and graduated in July, 1994.   My Chinese identity, culture, and experience, including growing up with traditional Chinese medicine, and many years of Tai Chi practice turned out to have been excellent preparation for my formal training.  

Since gaining my certification, I have had additional training internationally, as well as here in the United States.  I've studied sports Tuina at the China National Olympic Training Center in China, Cranial Sacral Therapy in Singapore, and Thai Yoga Massage with Kam Thye Chow of Canada.  I've also had advanced training in sports massage.

My work has been enriched by my experiences working with a wide variety of clients.  Individuals of various ages, physical conditions, therapeutic needs, and cultural and ethnic backgrounds, challenge me to continually refine my techniques.   During the course of my career, I have been invited to provide massage at a variety of special events including the Boston Marathon, the Marine Corps Marathon, the MS 150K Bike Tour, and at various health expos.  I do contract work with a local gym, and have done volunteer work with health clinics in the community.  

I am a member of American Massage Therapy Association and licensed in District of Columbia.

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